动. 充满。 汉·王充《论衡·论死》:「以囊橐盈粟米,米在囊中。」 《金史·卷一一六·徒单兀典传》:「随军妇女弃掷幼稚,哀号盈路。 」. 足、满。 《左传·襄公三十一年》:「且年未盈五十,而谆谆焉如八九十者,弗能久矣。」 宋·王安石。
Fulu (traditional Chinese: 符籙; simplified Chinese: 符箓; pinyin: fúlù) are Taoist magic symbols and incantations, translatable into English as talismanic script, which are written or painted on talismans by Taoist practitioners. These practitioners are called 符籙派; fúlù pài; the fulu sect, an informal group made up of priests from different schools of Taoism. Like most aspects of Taoi…
芸字本义为芸香、香草、芸苔、耕耘,用作起名含义有兢兢业业、脚踏实地、孜孜不倦之义。 芸字起名寓指勤劳、勤奋、上进进取之意。 1、芸字代表着高雅、清新的气质,给宝宝取名为“。
情人節家居;儀式感;家居設計;軟裝飾. 圖片來源:Unsplash. Tips7:臥室佈置. 臥室是兩人世界最私密的空間,裝點一些散落的玫瑰花瓣就能達到畫龍點睛的效果,若連大體積的寢具如被套。
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